1. About the Author & His Books
  2. Professional Photoshop: The Classic Guide to Color Correction (5th Edition)
    1. Review by RoamWonder
    2. Basic Information
  3. Photoshop LAB Color: The Canyon Conundrum and Other Adventures in the Most Powerful Colorspace (Revised Edition)
    1. Review by RoamWonder
    2. Basic Information
  4. Modern Photoshop Color Workflow: The Quartertone Quandary, the PPW, and Other Ideas for Speedy Image Enhancement
    1. Review by RoamWonder
    2. Basic Information & Abstract
    3. Meta Question
    4. Opinion Abstracted and Outline
    5. Generally Retouch Workflow
    6. PPW Workflow
    7. PPW Action
    8. ACR and PS
  5. Reference Color Values

About the Author & His Books

  • Dan Margulis was one of the first three individuals—and the only writer—to be named as a member of the Photoshop Hall of Fame. In announcing his election, the National Association of Photoshop Professionals said, “Dan’s ability to reduce complicated concepts to words that users can understand and his insistence on dealing with real-world relevance have made him today’s most influential voice in color reproduction.” Dan’s 2006 best-seller, Photoshop LAB Color, revolutionized workflows. Channels expert David Biedny called Photoshop LAB Color “probably the most important Photoshop book ever written.”
  • Dan Margulis is considered the world's leading authority on digital color correction. In 2001, he was one of the first three people, and the only educator, named to the Photoshop Hall of Fame.

Dan Margulis has published Three Serials books: "Professional Photoshop", "Photoshop LAB Color" and "Modern Photoshop Color Workflow".

We have been confused if Dan Margulis's the Three Serials books really put into One "Photoshop Retouch Sacred Serial" ( “Photoshop修色圣典”系列 ) like them published in Chinese version?

Professional Photoshop: The Classic Guide to Color Correction (5th Edition)

Review by RoamWonder

Recommendation: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Basic Information



  • English:
    • Publisher: Peachpit Press, Nov 20, 2006
    • ISBN: 0132712040, 9780132712040
    • Length: 528 pages
  • Chinese:


  • Ten Channels in a image.
  • The Strengths and Weaknesses of CMYK, LAB and RGB, and when to use each one.
  • Sharpening strategies.

Photoshop LAB Color: The Canyon Conundrum and Other Adventures in the Most Powerful Colorspace (Revised Edition)

Review by RoamWonder

Recommendation: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Basic Information



  • English: Peachpit Press, 2006
  • Chinese:

Modern Photoshop Color Workflow: The Quartertone Quandary, the PPW, and Other Ideas for Speedy Image Enhancement

Review by RoamWonder

Recommendation: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🌟


  • Dan Margulis's Books are Very Profound and Hard to Read. If you decide to read, please be sure you have Enough Time and Enough Patience, them will At Least need you A Second Read.
  • The Book look like Integrated Apply with two other books ( "Professional Photoshop" & " Photoshop LAB Color" ), if you like RoamWonder, who read two other books and Unknow How To Use these technologies, maybe you should read the book and then Go Back to Read two other books. RoamWonder are so happy the author had published the book, otherwise, there will be long long time to understand two other books.
  • The Book had taught us A More Scientific Retouch Workflow than before and it is Easy to Learn.
  • RoamWonder are not very agree with the author when he talking about "ACR".

Basic Information & Abstract



  • English:
    • Publisher: Modern Color Workflow Publishing, Feb. 24, 2013
    • ISBN: 0988280809, 9780988280809
    • Pages: 480 Pages
  • Chinese:
    • Publisher: Posts & Telecom Press, Mar., 2016, 侯景艳(译)
    • Pages: 443 Pages

Special Terms:

  • PPW, "Picture Postcard Workflow"
  • CB, "Color Boost"
  • MMM, "Modern Man from Mars"
  • H-K, "Helmholtz - Kohlrausch": When the Gray color Darker, Some picture will be more Stereoscopic.
  • Bigger Hammer: Strength the contrast in Highlight & Shadow

Meta Question

  • Who write the book?

    Dan Margulis write the book, and three other persons code the "PPW" panel.

  • Who will be the reader?

    • Man with
  • Why & When the author write the book? ( In another way ---> At which situation bring the book born? )

    In the early time of digital camera, computer is slowly and expensive, so, retouch workflow just exist in high-end market. And now, the work have fall into normally, time is one of the most important restrictions.

  • Where is the materials resource of the book?

    The course

  • Where to find Additions?

    1. The Homepage of the book: http://www.moderncolorworkflow.com/.
    2. The PPW panel docs ( the PPW Itself & Docs can be downloaded from homepage mentions above ).
    3. The PPW in Ledet Website: http://www.ledet.com/margulis/ppw
  • What is the book major focus in and what is the book apply to?

    1. The book is focus in how to quickly make picture beauty with automation ( in Average Three Minutes with the PPW panel ).
    2. The book is focus in Global Retouch, not Local Retouch.
    3. The book's Theory is apply to every picture, but PPW itself is best apply to these picture.
      1. Picture with full Depth Of Field.
      2. Landscape, Postcard ( Means the human is Not the Subject in picture,in other word, PPW is not doing well in Portrait)
  • How the book is construct?

    1. The book
    2. Each chapter divide into Two Part:
      1. First Part: Talking about How to Use
      2. Second Part: Talking about Why to Use or Advanced Usage

Opinion Abstracted and Outline

  1. The First is which effect you want, the Second is How to reach ( or What to do ). Many Amateurs know the First and unkonw the Second. Many Experts are the opposed.
  2. Some Evaluations of picture quality are Subjective, but some are Objective, it is Important to Distinguish them.
    1. If all audiences unlike a effect, it is Objective.
    2. If only some audiences unlike a effect, it is Subjective.
  3. All retouch methods are focus in extract Detail ( means Luminocity Information ) and make colorful (means Color Information) . Retouch can abstract as a Workflow and then divide into 3 Main Steps ---> Color - Luminocity - Color.
  4. If you want retouch in Less Than One Minute, Just do Color Initalize and maybe the other is Sharpen.
  5. If you have More Than Three Minutes and want get A Better Result, can do it in two different ways:
    1. Retouch Very Carefully and Precise, but maybe Not Very Different.
    2. Retouch and get Several Versions and then Bleeding.
  6. Some "Obviously Error" would destory Entire picture feeling.
  7. If there is Chromatic Aberration, Make sure it is Warn Color ( Yellow will Better than Red) .
  8. Values are More Credible than Eyes.
  9. When picture some part under suneshine and some part at the shadow, there would have different color temperatures, human eyes can adjust, but camera can only has one temperatures, this means must have some compromise when doing "Color Correction".

Generally Retouch Workflow

One retouch job can be comprehended as a "Retouch Workflow", and this workflow can be divide into some levels:

  1. Workflow Node:
  2. Workflow Goal: The Workflow Goal is an abstract level which means you can not
  3. Workflow Action: "Action" here is similar to PS's "Action". Both "Action" here and PS's "Action" is consist of some command, but "Action" here is a abstract conception which means "Action" here is beyond PS's "Action"

PPW Workflow

PPW's "Decomposition Philosophy" is process "Luminosity" and "Color" separately through the time.

  1. Color Initalize: Mostly in RGB mode: "10 Seconds Detect and All in 1 Minute"
    1. Color Correction :Let "Supposed to Be Neutral" color be "Neutral" or "Supposed to Be Near-Neutral" to be "More Near-Neutral" or "Obviously Out of Range" color fall into Right Range ( See more in Reference Color Values below )
      • PS Curve Adjustment Layer in RGB modecolor-correct-in-rgb ---> CH3
        1. Make Three or Four Reference Points ( Not the Curve Anchor ) ( distribute from most light to most dark. Usually are Meaningful White, Middle, Meaningful Black and one other Meaningful Point , And How to Make it right? See detail in the book and "Professional Photoshop")
        2. Add and Adjust Curve Adjustment Layer make these Reference Points to right ( Adjust in RGB mode and evaluate with LAB value, Usually do Not Too Cliffy )
        3. Change the Curve Adjustment Layer's Bleeding Mode from Normal to Color
      • Complementary Color ---> CH9
  2. Luminosity Allocate: Mostly in RGB mode: Attempt make a Black Version which is better than the Original, and then make the Bleeding Mode be Luminosity
    1. Luminosity "Range Define" & Reallocation:
      • PS "Luminosity layer" use Channel Mix (Apply Image or Calculation) ---> CH4
        1. Duplicate Layer and name it like Layer_lum
        2. Apply Image to Layer_lum with Good Luminosity Contrast Channel in Normal
        3. Adjust Each Channel in Layer_lum
        4. Change the Layer's Bleeding Mode of Layer_lum from Normal to Luminocity
      • Luminosity Curve by Curve Adjustment Layer
    2. Range Define
       - Define **"Black Point"** and **"White Point"** in _`RGB`_ mode **--->** CH3\&CH4
    3. Contrast Boost:
      • Luminosity Curve by Curve Adjustment Layer ---> CH4
    4. Extract Detail from Shadow & Highlight
      • PS Shadows/Hightlights
      • PPW S/H+OK ---> CH7
      • PPW Bigger Hammer ---> CH10
    5. Strengthen Specific Things
      • PPW Darken Sky SC and Darken Sky B ---> CH8
      • PPW False Profile ---> CH11 & CH12
    6. Extend Luminocity Range
      • Screen and Multiply ---> CH12
  3. Color Artistic: Mostly in LAB mode
    1. Neutral Color:
      • PPW H-K ---> CH13
    2. Skin Color Beautified
      • PPW Skin Desaturation ---> CH9
    3. Color Boost
      • PPW CB ---> CH5
      • PPW MMM ---> CH6
    4. Define Color "Black Point" and "White Point"
      • ?? ---> ALL-CH?
    5. Define Luminocity "Black Point" and "White Point"
      • Curve end-points by Curve Adjustment Layer in LAB mode ( "L" channel )
    6. Color ease
      • PS "Mark" ---> ALL-CH?
      • PS "Opacity" ---> ALL-CH?
  4. Sharpen ( Optional ):
    1. Sharpen
      • PS USM Sharpen
      • PS Smart Sharpen
      • PPW sharpen 2015
      • PPW Sharpen old
  5. Ending ( Optional ):
    1. Versions Blending: Versions blending maybe better than one version with long time retouch.
      • "Layer Blending Mode" ---> CH2
      • "Global Layer Opacity"
        • Opacity:
        • Blend If:
      • "Local Layer Opacity"
        • Layer Mask: In Spatial reveal some part of one version the other part of other versions.
    2. Color Space match
      • Color transfer
color-correct-in-rgb. Color correction Adjust in LAB mode is not very Stable ( Little adjust may result heavy effort ), But should Evaluate with LAB value ( in RGB or CMYK mode it has no rule to indicate whether a Non-Neutral color is right or wrong )

PPW Action

  1. CB:"Color Boost"
    1. Input:Color balance and non color shift globally
    2. Process:Curve Adjustment Layer in LAB mode
    3. Output:
  2. H-K:
    1. Input:
    2. Process:
    3. Output:Darken "Neutral" or "Near Neutral" Color between 1/4 and middle color tone.

ACR and PS

Reference Color Values

X means can be any value.

Name Describe Value Range
Skin Tone "A" and "B" both are Positive. Usually, "B" is bigger than "A" ( Child and White people's "B" maybe smaller than "A", but A too high will make the picture look like purple )
Green Plant "A" is Negative, "B" is Positive, and the "Absolute Value" of "B" would be fall into [1.5, 2.5] times "A"
Sky "B" is Negative , "A" is Near-Zero ( Mostly "Little Negative" ) LAB([X,X],[-5,3],[-X,0])

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